Passing a drug test at Walmart (2024)



New Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #1

Went in for my interview today, got interviewed by two people, and at the end of he thing they told me the are going to hire me, however i must show up at the clinic and take a drug test within 24 hours. i got about 20 hours left, and have been slaming as much water as i can, i usually smoke 2-3 grams a day, any other tips on ho i might be able to slide by and pass this sh*t?


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #2

synthetic piss or your f*cked.

Good Luck

I guess it would also be worth stopping by your local headshop and pick up some detoxes.... however in my past experience they are not worth a penny

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #3

go to a headshop and get a detox drink or pills or fake piss. depening on how good the clinic is they might know it if diluted. you would have to make up a good excuse if it is or they will make you take another one


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #4

This works like a champ. Drink a large jar of pickle juice about 16 hours before you go in to pee. At 12 hours before, you drink a small jar of jalepeno juice (think 12 oz). At 10 hours before you HAVE to eat an 8 ounce container of some type of wasabi mustard. At 6 hours before, you drink two shots of balsamic vinegar. An hour before you go in, you rub one out, then drink a gallon of milk. Then, sneak in someone else's urine that you know is clean. Works EVERY time!


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #5

f*ck that sh*t above...

Your best option is synthetic piss, as they won't be watching you for that sort of job.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #6

Well walmart does actual lab testing so there is a good chance that unless you fake it with real clean pee from someone else it won't work...fake pee is you need actual fresh urine from someone else...or just drink an ass ton of water leading up to the appointment and hope for the best...


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #7

I had a great job offer but had to take a test. I got the fake piss but didnt know if it would work and didnt want to risk not getting the job. My solution was to apply at wal-mart and take the test they send me too. If I pass then great im good if I fail I would do something like get a doner with some clean piss

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #8

Drink two liters of water a supplement. Passing a drug test at Walmart (8)


New Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #9

So much for Walmart, maybe you could get a job as a schoolbus driver?


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Mar 20, 2012

  • #10

ClaytonBigsby said:

This works like a champ. Drink a large jar of pickle juice about 16 hours before you go in to pee. At 12 hours before, you drink a small jar of jalepeno juice (think 12 oz). At 10 hours before you HAVE to eat an 8 ounce container of some type of wasabi mustard. At 6 hours before, you drink two shots of balsamic vinegar. An hour before you go in, you rub one out, then drink a gallon of milk. Then, sneak in someone else's urine that you know is clean. Works EVERY time!

This needs more love.



Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #11


I was thinking.... smokes 2-3 grams a day, drug test in 20 hours..... not much hope really (except to use someone else's [which I did recommend]).

Then I looked at the post count,...... and thought the post appropriate. I have been away and a little out of touch, so if it IS me, sorry OP, and good luck.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #12

blowinblunts said:

Went in for my interview today, got interviewed by two people, and at the end of he thing they told me the are going to hire me, however i must show up at the clinic and take a drug test within 24 hours. i got about 20 hours left, and have been slaming as much water as i can, i usually smoke 2-3 grams a day, any other tips on ho i might be able to slide by and pass this sh*t?

Oh boy, let's slam water for a career at Wal-Mart.

Here's a tip, educate yourself for a career that actually will earn you a decent wage.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #13

I don't care if you were thinking "I hope this bastard dies of internal grease fire". I thought it was pretty funny, regardless. Passing a drug test at Walmart (14)

EDIT: co*ckblocked!


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #14

Eat a lot of asparagus the night before, and more in the morning.

Then drink plenty of water. You should be diluted enough to pass the test.

The asparagus adds a lot of color and really smells BAD!

You might pass, but watch their faces when they have to deal with it.

I did it a few years ago, and I passed. Passing a drug test at Walmart (16)Passing a drug test at Walmart (17)


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #15

JohnnyGreenfingers said:

I don't care if you were thinking "I hope this bastard dies of internal grease fire". I thought it was pretty funny, regardless. Passing a drug test at Walmart (19)

EDIT: co*ckblocked!

Ah, so you're the OP...thanks for sharing. You know, with all these new accounts one can't tell


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #16

Sunbiz1 said:

Ah, so you're the OP...thanks for sharing. You know, with all these new accounts one can't tell

Lol. No. What I meant by co*ckblocked was your post came in between mine and Claytons on the one time I didn't quote who I was responding to.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #17

Sunbiz1 said:

Oh boy, let's slam water for a career at Wal-Mart.

Here's a tip, educate yourself for a career that actually will earn you a decent wage.

Ouch Sunbiz.......this is a really tough, even sucky ones are hard to get, really hard in my State. At least he's looking and trying. I know a lot of people that are doing things they never would to keep life going.....just sayin'.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #18

bowlfullofbliss said:

Ouch Sunbiz.......this is a really tough, even sucky ones are hard to get, really hard in my State. At least he's looking and trying. I know a lot of people that are doing things they never would to keep life going.....just sayin'.

When you do something to "keep life going", Wal-Mart and other menial jobs should be a last resort.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #19

Sunbiz1 said:

When you do something to "keep life going", Wal-Mart and other menial jobs should be a last resort.

Without any intent to argue at all.......I'm interested in what a menial job is, and what should one consider the point of last resort.


Well-Known Member

Mar 20, 2012

  • #20

2-3 grams a day, man,......2-3 grams...

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Passing a drug test at Walmart (2024)


What determines if you fail a drug test? ›

Here are several situations that may result in a failed drug test. Drug or alcohol consumption can produce a positive test. Medications, such as antidepressants, NSAIDs, and decongestants may result in a false positive. Foods like hemp seeds, poppy seeds, and coca tea can trigger a false positive.

What happens if I fail a drug test for Walmart? ›

In addition, Walmart may require you to submit to drug testing, where permitted by law following certain on-the-job injuries or if there is reasonable basis to suspect you're under the influence of drugs. Any applicant or associate who tests positive for illegal drug use may be ineligible for employment.

How hard is it to get a job after failing a drug test? ›

For regulated positions, federal, state, and local laws may require employers to remove a candidate from consideration due to a failed employment drug test. When not required by law, employer policies will dictate whether a failed drug test results in disqualification.

How accurate are employee drug tests? ›

Urine tests aren't 100% accurate. Rarely, test results incorrectly show traces of drugs you didn't take. This can be due to foods you've eaten, lab errors, or over-the-counter medications. If you have a prescription for any medications, make sure you tell the collector and the lab.

What to say if you fail a drug test? ›

Simply ask if you can take another test. Many will have no problems accommodating your request. It helps to present evidence as to why you tested positive the first time. As already mentioned, a letter from a doctor or pharmacist regarding a prescription medication will help.

What will mess up a urine test? ›

Most household substances, such as bleach, salt, or vinegar, will radically alter the pH of your urine, which will make it obvious that you have tampered with the sample.

What happens if you fail Walmart test? ›

If you fail the Walmart Assessment Test, you need to wait another six months before you can apply. Additionally, they keep all previous test scores on file. The Hourly Retail Associate Assessment is scored along four paths: Poor, Good, Competitive, and Excellent.

Will a drug test be on your record if you fail? ›

For most workers in the United States, their employer will never disclose a failed drug test. However, many government positions require this information and are permitted to seek it. If a drug test leads to a criminal conviction, the information is public record and may be easily found by an employer.

How long does a failed drug test take to come back? ›

Drug test results typically take 24 to 48 hours, depending on the type of test being performed (e.g., urine, hair or DOT). If Concentra serves only as the collection site for your drug tests, then results will be reported to you directly from your selected lab/third-party administrator, and result times may vary.

What is the most common false positive drug test? ›

Amphetamine (more on this below) and methamphetamine are the most commonly reported false positive.

What happens if a pre-employment drug test comes back positive? ›

Some employers may give candidates a chance to explain positive results and request to re-test at their own expense within a short window of time (1-2 weeks). However, there is still a risk of the offer being rescinded if a second test confirms drug use.

Can you lose your job for a positive drug test? ›

Drug Testing and Losing Your Job

By failing a drug test, are you going to lose your job? It is entirely possible. So, it is crucial to grasp your rights in this situation.

What is a cutoff level for drug testing? ›

What does “Cut-off level” mean? Essentially, it means separating the positives from the negatives. In drug and alcohol testing, a cut-off level is a level at which the concentration of a substance in your breath, urine, or saliva, indicates a safety risk.

How far back does a 10 panel urine test go? ›

Detection times for a 10-panel drug screen
SubstanceDetection time frame
Cocaine2-4 days
Marijuana2-5 days for occasional users, and up to 10 days for daily users
Opiates2-3 days
Phencyclidine (PCP)Up to 30 days for chronic users
6 more rows
Dec 2, 2022

What is the difference between a lab urine test and a drug test? ›

Unlike an instant drug screening, lab-based testing can take a couple of days to receive a result. Once a specimen is obtained, it needs to be sent to the lab, tested, analyzed, quantified, and verified before results can be received.

What happens if a drug test comes back positive? ›

If a drug test result is positive, it means that one or more drugs were found in amounts that suggest drug use or misuse. Positive tests require follow-up testing because they may be wrong (false positives). The follow-up test is usually a test that provides more accurate results.

Does failing a drug test go on record? ›

For most workers in the United States, their employer will never disclose a failed drug test. However, many government positions require this information and are permitted to seek it. If a drug test leads to a criminal conviction, the information is public record and may be easily found by an employer.

How is a drug test determined? ›

A drug test screens for certain drugs and/or their metabolites in a biological sample (such as urine or blood). The metabolic processes happen at different speeds for different drugs. Because of this, each drug and its metabolites have a different timeframe in which a drug test can detect them.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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