Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to the Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide (aka Resident Evil Village / Resident Evil 8 / RE8). This is a relatively quick platinum. The story trophies can be done in 10-15 Hours and are a 4/10 difficulty, thanks toInfinite Ammo Cheatsand very forgiving Speedrun requirements. The more difficult part isMercenaries Mode. After the first playthrough you gain access to the Extra Content Shop. There you can activate Infinite Ammo and Mercenaries Mode. The game uses 2 currency systems: Lei whichyou get from enemies and selling treaures, it’s used to buy story items fromthe Duke Merchant. CP (Completion Points)are a currency unlocked after the story from doing in-game Challenges, it’s used to buy Infinite Ammo and to unlock some new weapons. The best way to approach platinum is do start on easy while finding all Collectibles, then do a Knife-Only Speedrun, then the hardest difficulty Village of Shadows and then Mercenaries Mode.

Start the game on Casual (Easy) difficulty or Standard (Normal) and follow theAll-in-One Collectible Guidealong the way. Don’t worry about other trophies for now, just focus on Collectibles.

Keep a Manual Save from each Location in the game. You have 20 Manual Save Slots in total. There is no Chapter Select or Free Roam after the story but you can reload a Manual Save to go back if you missed a trophy.

Also saveup your Lei (money). The only things you should purchase on your 1st run are Inventory Upgrades and Crafting Recipes. Don’t waste money on anything else (don’t buy Customizable Weapon Parts either)! You should save up 2.1 Million Lei to fully upgrade the S.T.A.K.E. Magnum for your Village of Shadows playthrough. If you spend money on other things now you might be forced to do a 4th playthrough just to make up for the wasted money.

After finishing the story it will ask if you want to save your completed game. Make sure you do this, you must then load this save from the Main Menu to start New Game+ (all your money, inventory, weapons, upgrades, collectibles progress carries over). After the story also take a look what miscellaneous trophies you are missing, it would now be a good time to reload manual saves to go back and quickly mop up most of these.

If you get stuck on a Puzzle, check out the full Walkthrough or Puzzle Guide below:

After the first playthrough you get access to the Extra Content Shop (Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop).For the two trophiesDoll CollectorResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1)&Art CollectorResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)you must buy and view all Character Models, Weapon Models, Concept Art.

You can combine a bunch of trophies together in one Knife Only Speedrun. Before you start,unlock theKarambit Knife from the Extra Content Shop. It deals much more damage than the default knife. You can then buy it from the merchant for 200 Lei. Best way is toreload your manual save before final boss, buy it from merchant there, defeat endboss again, create completed story save, loadsave from Main Menu to start New Game+ with Karambit Knife in your inventory from the start. Alternatively, you can buy it from the first merchant in your new playthrough. The 3 hour time limit is very forgiving, you should be able to do it inless than 2.5 hours without any trouble on the first attempt. Pausing the game stops the timer and you can reload a previous Manual Save if you think you took too long. If you need a refresher on Puzzle Solutions to save time, check out thePuzzles Guide.

Loading up your completed story save from the Main Menu will transfer all your progress & inventory from the first playthrough. This way you are massively overpowered from the beginning. Loot all the treasures/money drops from enemies and bosses, you will needit in preparation for hardest difficulty. Save your completed game again in a new slot at the end of this run to keep your inventory for playthrough #3.

Refer toKnives OutResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)for a Mini-Walkthrough of the Knife Only run, it explains the exceptions when you must usefirearms on the environment and on bosses to advance.

Before you even start with Village of Shadows, do a quick check how much Leiyou have (can check on last manual save).Ideally, you’d have2,103,000 to fully upgrade the S.T.A.K.E. magnum but you’ll likely be a couple hundred thousand short after 2 playthroughs, which is normal. You must fully upgrade it to unlock its Infinite Ammo from the Extra Content Shop which makes the hardest difficulty incredibly easy (it one hits most enemies and kills bosses in a few hits).

If you don’t have enough money but are close enough (Over 1.5 Million including all your treasures and sellable items) then buy the Grenade Launcher Infinite Ammo for now. The Grenade Launcher is fine for the first half of the game, it deals 1200 damage per hit. But the STAKE deals 4500 per hit and is significantly better for the last few bosses.You will get your missing money on this playthrough and can switch to the Infinite Ammo STAKE when youcan afford it.

Should you have significantly less money, under 1 Million Lei, it’d be easier to do another quick speedrun to farm more money. This would be easier and quicker than getting stuck at the end of hardest difficulty, because if you only have the Grenade Launcher you’ll have a very bad timewith the last few bosses.

Important: Before fully upgrading the STAKE (2.1 Million Lei) make a Manual Save. After upgrading it, save in another Slot. Now buy the Infinite Ammo from Extra Content Shop. Here’s the trick; you can reload the save from BEFORE upgrading the STAKE! This gives you back all your Lei but Infinite Ammo is active regardless. You only need to have fully upgraded it once to unlock the Infinite Ammo Cheat, but then it also works retroactively on the non-upgraded version. You will savea lot of money this way. The money is better spent on buying all Customizable Weapon Parts forVeteran GunsmithResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4). If you don’t make use of this trickyou are going to need a 4th playthrough to grind out more money for the weapon parts (they cost 1,061,000 Lei, so keep at least that much)! It’s okay to rebuy 3 or 4 damage upgrades for the STAKE to make things easier, butdon’twaste money on Rate of Fire / Reload Speed / Ammo Capacity.

By this point you should be done with all story trophies. The only thing that’s left is Mercenaries Mode. This Mode must be bought from the Extra Content Shop, only available after the first playthrough.

You must get S-Rank on all 8 Stages. Luckily, S-Rank isn’t the highest achievable rank so it’s notas insane as it could have been (SSS is the maximum). It’s still harder than the main game though, especially the last 4 Stages. Follow theMercenaries Guidefor strategies.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)Ethan Winters
Obtain all Trophies.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)Earn all other trophies in Resident Evil Village to unlock Platinum (DLC items such as the Trauma Pack are not required).Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)Not Lycan This…
Survive the lycan attack.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)Four Lords
Escape the mine.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)That Sucked!
Defeat the mutated Dimitrescu.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)Got No Strings
Defeat Donna and Angie.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15)Fish Out of Water
Defeat the mutated Moreau.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)Up Urs!
Defeat Uriaș in the stronghold.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Temporary Measures
Place the Giant’s Chalice in the ceremony site.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)Iron Giant Down
Defeat the mutated Heisenberg.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23)The Root of the Matter
Find the Megamycete in the underground ruins.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. SeeResident Evil 8: Village Walkthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25)Great Dad
Finish the story on at least Casual difficulty.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26)See trophyUniverse’s Best DadResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27).Difficulty trophies stack, so beating it on a higher difficulty automatically unlocks the trophies for lower difficulties.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)Best Dad Ever
Finish the story on at least Standard difficulty.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)See trophyUniverse’s Best DadResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30).Difficulty trophies stack, so beating it on a higher difficulty automatically unlocks the trophies for lower difficulties.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (31)World’s Best Dad
Finish the story on at least Hardcore difficulty.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (32)See trophyUniverse’s Best DadResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33).Difficulty trophies stack, so beating it on a higher difficulty automatically unlocks the trophies for lower difficulties.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)Universe’s Best Dad
Finish the story on the Village of Shadows difficulty.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)

Village of Shadows is the hardest difficulty in Resident Evil 8 Village.In the Deluxe Edition with Trauma Pack DLC it’s unlocked from the start but it’s not recommended to begin on this difficulty (in the Standard Edition it’s not available from the start). As with other Resident Evil games it’s muchbetter to beat the game on easiest difficulty first to unlock someInfinite Ammo Cheats.We’ll go over the recommended weapons/cheats and boss tips below.

Tips & Tricks / Mini-Walkthrough:

  • Before you even begin, you should unlock the S.T.A.K.E. (magnum) and all its upgrades and buyits infinite ammo cheatfrom the Bonus Shop (the bonus shop is available after 1st playthrough). The infinite ammo cheat does NOT disable trophies so make use of it! This costs 600,000 Lei for the weapon and its two attachments + 1,503,000 Lei for all Gunsmithy Upgrades. So 2,103,000 Lei total to fully upgrade the S.T.A.K.E. It deals 4500 damage per hit and kills most enemies in one hit. If you don’t want to “waste” so much money, you can fully upgrade it on one save to unlock its infinite ammo, buy the infinite ammo from Bonus Shop (120,000 CP), then reload previous save before spending all the money on upgrades. You can still use infinite ammo on the non-upgraded version (you only need to fully upgrade it once to unlock infinite ammo in the bonus shop). The damage upgrades for it are a must, the rest you don’t really need. If you don’t have 2.1 Million Lei, do another playthrough beforehand. Up untilMoreau Boss the grenade launcher will be fine but after that it gets pretty useless because it doesn’t deal enough damage on the last few bosses.
  • Also buy infinite ammo for the “Dragoon” (Chris’s weapon). You will need it during the Chris part at the end of the game, without infinite ammo you will have a very bad time. If you don’t have enough CP yet, don’t worry, you can work on completing a few more challenges during your Village of Shadows playthrough.
  • Having cooked all Recipes from the Duke is a big help. These increase your Max Health and your Running Speed! SeeResident Evil Village All Cooking Ingredients Locations.
  • Lycan Ambush: Barricade yourself in the buildings and shoot anything that comes through the door with STAKE or Grenade Launcher. Eventually when you lose some health a Lycan will grab you from behind automatically to initiate a cutscene that ends the ambush.
  • First Witch Boss: Unlike lower difficulties, there will be 2 of the Moroaica enemies (old hags) in the room with the boss. Use Grenade Launcher or STAKE to shoot them, then concentrate on the witch. Shoot out the 2nd window and also make use of the dungeon corridor where you came from – you can run away to the corridor to heal if needed.
  • Second / Third Witch Bosses: Are the same as previous difficulties, they just take a bit more damage but easily doable with Grenade Launcher or STAKE.
  • Lady Domitrescu Boss: She will move much faster and of course has more health. When she’s in the air and uses her insect swarm, stand in the little watchtower on the side of the roof, the bugs should ignore you there. Other than that just keep shooting at her with your infinite ammo weapon.
  • Moreau Boss: He has a lot of health but is easy enough to dodge. When he jumps to the roofs to cast acid rain, always stand under one of the roofs to take cover. Grenade Launcher still works if you don’t have the STAKE yet, but the STAKE will kill him much quicker.
  • Urias Boss (Stronghold): This is where the Grenade Launcher starts becoming useless and you really should have the infinite ammo STAKE to make your life easier. When he uses his spinning attack or his charged hammer attack (when he chases you until he deals a hammer blow) it can be very tricky to evade. If you have a fully upgraded STAKE his phases will be over pretty quickly and he shouldn’t give you much trouble. Hide behind the pillars, kill the mobs that spawn during the fight. If you run out of health items, remember during the Gamer Over screen you can choose to go to the Duke’s shop and buy as many health items as you need.
  • Sturm (Propeller Boss): Unlike lower difficulties, he won’t leave the weakpoint on his back exposed for long. Just shoot his propeller with the STAKE. He still takes damage, no need to hit the weakpoint on his back (basically impossible on this difficulty anyway). He takes a long time to go down even with the fully upgraded STAKE, but he’s easy enough to dodge. Heal up whenever you get hit, avoid the fire.
  • Heisenberg Boss: Shoot the red weakpoints on his body with the machine gun, this will stagger him. When he rushes towards you to deal an attack always use the rocket launcher to stun him. If your rocket launcher is reloading, drive sideways and block Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37) . If you are lucky he will miss you entirely, but if not you will at least block his attack.
  • Chris Part: This is the hardest section in the game, because you don’t have access to the STAKE. It’s highly recommended to buy infinite ammo for the Dragoon (Chris’s Assault Rifle) from the Bonus Shop.In the initial section up until the Laser Pointer part you can simply hold the Block Button Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38) and run past all enemies. While blocking they cannot grab you! Also throw Grenades Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39) at enemy groups on the road that block your path. Try not to use your 1 health item here, it’s better to keep it for later.
  • Chris Laser Pointer Part: On the back of the house with red chimney is a ladder you can climb. When you’re halfway up the ladder the enemies cannot attack you. You can camp there, then climb to the roof to aim the laser at the house. Repeat this (3 airstrikes on house total). Each time an airstrike lands it will also kill all enemies for you. Also remember to block Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40) enemy attacks. It’s okay to use a health item here. If you don’t have infinite ammo for the Assault Rifle, pick up all the ammo on the military boxes before moving on to theboss.
  • Chris Boss (Mace Urias Boss): Pick up all the health items before the fight (where you drop down into the cave). Stay very close to his left knee (to your right). Keep shooting with the Dragoon and use the laser pointer whenever it has recharged. When you stay close to his knee he often misses you with the mace. When he charges up his jump just run around the arena and he might miss you. After a few airstrikes he will be dead but shooting with the Dragoon speeds up the process too.
  • Miranda Boss: Just use fully upgraded STAKE and come with plenty of health items. The Duke has 99 health items in stock (if you die you can also go straight to the shop from the Game Over Screen to buy more). Always run away and heal up when you take a hit. The fight is the same as on lower difficulties, she just has more health, but with a fully upgraded STAKE you shouldn’t feel a big difference. When sheis flying and charges up some orbs you can either shoot the orbs orResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41) block them. When the screen turns gray always walk sideways and she will miss you. When she’s flying walk sideways to get out of her way. When she’s in spider form block her attacks.
Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42)Crafter
Craft an item in the Crafting menu.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (43)Press Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (44) > Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (45) to open the Crafting Menu. The default recipes that you start with are First Aid Med (1 Herb + 1 Chem Fluid) & Handgun Ammo (2 Gunpowder + 2 Rusted Scrap). Craft one of these once you have enough materials.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46)Patron
Purchase something from the Duke in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47)The Duke is the merchant (item shop) in Resident Evil Village. You will automatically encounter him a few times. The first time you see him is after escaping the mines, just before entering Castle Dimitrescu. You can find him again inside the Castle (ground floor near the main door) and then a few more times later on. Buy anything from him, e.g. some handgun ammo which is cheap.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48)Petty Thief
Unlock a simple lock with a lockpick.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49)You find the lockpick after defeating the firstmutated Dimitrescu (inside Castle Dimitrescu, in a hallway next to the named map area “Kitchen”). You’ll walk into it automatically during the story. After finding the lockpick, turn around to find a locked cupboard behind you and use the lockpick on it toget the trophy. You can also open any other lock of course, there are plenty of them throughout the game.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50)Repairer
Combine a treasure into its complete form.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (51)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52)

You can do this in CastleDimitrescu after having found the “Iron Insignia Key” (a story-related key item, can’t miss it). That key is inside the Piano of the Opera Hall (1F). Now backtrack to the Dungeon (B1) and there will be one door where you can use the key. Enter the room, pick up the pipe bomb on the right side, throw it against the cracked wall on the left, shoot the left hanging brazier into the fire, then shoot the left brazier and the right brazier so they set each other on fire. Once both braziers are on fire the spikes around the coffin will lower and you can loot it for the Azure Eye treasure. Now go find the Silver Ring treasure in Hall of Pleasure (2F), inside a drawer. It’s the room that also contains one of the four key item masks. Examine the items in your inventory and combine both the Azure Eye and Silver Ring to get the Azure Eye Ring. This unlocks the trophy. You can sell it for 12,000 Lei. There are plenty other treasures you can combine, this is just one example early in the game.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53)Hunter
Hunt an animal during the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)Simply kill any type of animal during the story. You’ll encounter some animals automatically. For example, after exitingCastle Dimitrescu you will go through some water in a cave with fish in it. You can kill them easily with your knife.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55)Get the Ball Rolling
Solve a Labyrinth.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57)

There are 4 Labyrinths in the game and each has 1 corresponding Labyrinth Ball (collectable items). The Labyrinths are miniature buildings, you put the Labyrinth ball in the Labyrinth and then must complete a minigame to guide the ball to the end of the labyrinth.

Luckily you only need to solve 1 Labyrinth for trophies and can ignore the others.The earliest opportunity is in Castle Dimitrescu.

Location Labyrinth Ball: Castle Domitrescu 2F, Opera Hall – on the 2nd floor of the Opera Hall you can find the “Flower Swords Ball” item in a chest by a window with an enemy. You go to the Opera Hall automatically as part of the story (where you must play the piano to get a key item).

Location Labyrinth: Castle Domitrescu 1F, Merchant’s Room – head back to where you met Duke the merchant in the castle. Next to him is a miniature castle. Put in the ball and guide it to the end of the castle to get the trophy.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62)Goooaaal!
Move the ball from the Winterses’ bedroom into the study.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (64)

This takes place during the Prologue. You must take the baby upstairs to put it to bed. In the baby’s room is a yellow ball. Walk into it and push it to the adjacent room that has a laptop in it (the Study).

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65)Squawk Shot
Shoot down five flying crows in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67)

You can find Crows during your visits to the village. When you approach, they will start to fly away. You must shoot 5 of them out of the sky. The easiest time to do this is on the 2nd village visit, after returning from Castle Dimitrescu. There are 4 Crows in the Graveyard and 2 at the start of the Field where you went through earlier. Have your shotgun ready and shoot them when they fly away.

You can also farm this by restarting the checkpoint.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (68)When You Gotta Go…
Open the door to every outhouse in the village in a single playthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (69)There are 10 Outhouses in Resident Evil Village. They areincluded in the Collectible Guide.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70)Hooligan
Break every breakable window in Castle Dimitrescu in a single playthrough.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)

There are 19 Breakable Windows in the Castle Dimitrescu section. They areincludedin the Collectible Guide.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73)Quit Hanging Around
Shoot down a Soldat hanging from the production line in the Factory.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75)

This can be done in Heisenberg’s Factory. After you get hunted by a propellor blade machine you go through a scrapyard and then must climb up a ladder. Immediately after climbing the ladder there will be some bodies hanging from a production line in the air, straight ahead of you. Shoot down the rope above one of these “Soldats” to get the trophy. A Duke Merchant is also in the same place, so you can remember when you first meet Duke in the Factory is where you can also do the trophy.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)Push Comes to Shove
Push away an enemy after guarding in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (78)

For this you must hold Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (79) to block and immediately after blocking an enemy’s melee attack you quickly press Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (80) repeatedly to perform a counter attack. So at first you’re holding the button permanently, don’t let go of it. After the enemy has attacked (just after blocking) you spam Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (81) very quickly. This results in pushing the enemy away and pops the trophy.

For example, you can do it against the very first enemy you encounter in the game, immediately after getting the knife and handgun in the Village. There will be a single Lycan attacking you. It works on any other Lycans too, plenty of opportunities for this.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (82)Trick Shot
Defeat an enemy from long range with the sniper rifle in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (83)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (84)

You find the F2 Sniper Rile in Castle Dimitrescu, in the Attic before heading to the roofs (where some flying demon monsters are). It’s in plain sight but technically it’s optional to pick up.

If you don’t have enough inventory space for it, either get rid of some inventory items or sell some of your inventory to the Duke in the Merchant’s room.

Immediately in the next section after the Sniper Rifle, you will go outside to the rooftops. Shoot one of the flying demons in the distance to get the trophy. There are also many other opportunities to do this, for example on your way back from Castle Dimitrescu to the Village there are some Lycans sitting still on top of some ruins that are easy to snipe. Also lots of Lycans at the start of the Stronghold area later in the story.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (87)Strategist
Defeat at least three enemies with one attack in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (88)This will come naturally, don’t worry about this. Defeat 3 enemies in one attack, for example using Pipe Bombs, or Grenade Launcher, or Magnum that shoots through multiple enemies.

A good location is at the start of the Stronghold section when you have to pull 2 levers to open a gate. There will be lots of Lycans close together and there are also some explosive barrels in this area.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (89)Medium Rare
Set fire to a Moroaică in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (90)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (91)

Moroaica are the enemies that look like “old hags”, they wear some black robes and usually carry a sword (first encountered in castle dungeon). You can do this trophy easily after having obtained the “Crank” key item. It’s an unmissable story item that you get automatically on your to the Moreau boss fight. After beating the Moreau boss, return to the “Lone Road” area outside the village (named map area). It’s the road west of where the Duke Merchant sits in the Village. There’s a Drawbridge that you couldn’t activate earlier in the story, but now that you have the crank you can use it. Activate the drawbridge and get in the boat. Drive it upstream, exit at the riverbank, and enter the dungeon (marked as “Riverbank Treasure House” on the map with agolden chest icon). There will be a burning brazier in the middle of the room. Shoot it into the two torches in the room. Then Moroaica will keep spawning infinitely. Shoot the brazier so it swings into the Moroaica, thus setting it on fire!

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (92)Fast Reflexes
Knock a flaming arrow out of the sky with a close combat weapon in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (93)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (94)

You can do this on your way to the Stronghold. That takes place between the 3rd boss (Moroe) & 4th boss (Heisenberg). After using the Six-Winged Key in the north-east of the Village to open a gate you will get to this section. It’s part of the story, so you can’t miss the location. There will be some archers on the stronghold ruins that are shooting flaming arrows at you. Equip your knife and just spam Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (95) after they shot their arrow. This will do a knife swing and hits the arrows out of the air.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (96)Leader of the Pack
Take down the Vârcolac Alfa in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (97)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (98)

TheVarcolac Alfa spawns during your 4th visit to the Village, after having defeated the 3rd boss (Moreau boss). You can find him at the named map area “Fallow Plot” in the north-east of the Village. That’s the fields where you went through earlier in the game during your first village visit. But this time the mighty Alfa enemy will have spawned. He looks like a big werewolf. Defeat him and the trophy will unlock. If you have trouble with this, try doing it on another run after you’ve unlocked infinite ammo from the bonus shop.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (99)Timber
Defeat Uriaș during the first lycan attack when you enter the village.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (100)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (101)

Your first enemy encounter in the game will be the Lycan Ambush. After fighting off the Lycans for a while, a big miniboss will spawn. He looks like a big Werewolf with black fur and is wielding a hammer. You can’t miss him because he’ll come to attack you. This is Urias, the miniboss you must defeat for this trophy. Normally you’d fight him much later in the game in the Stronghold section, but for this trophy you must kill him on the first encounter.

On your first playthrough you won’t have enough ammo to defeat him. You will want to do this in New Game+. After finishing the story it asks you to create a “Complete Story Save”. Do this and then load your completed story save from the main menu to start New Game+. Play on Casual to make it even easier, so enemies die faster. You get to keep all your weapons, upgrades and inventory including ammunition. Now replay the Urias part and kill him. It’s even easier when you buyInfinite Ammofrom the Extra Content Shop (Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop).

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (102)Photographer
Use Photo Mode.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (103)You can open Photo Mode from the Pause Menu. When you’ve opened Photo Mode press Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (104) to close it and the trophy will pop. It only unlocks the trophy after closing Photo Mode.

Also note that you can take pictures via the Share-Button on the controller and it saves them to your console’s media library.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (105)Lucky Number 7
Have 777, 7,777, or 77,777 Lei in your possession in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (106)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (107)

Step 1: Finish the story one time (any difficulty) to unlock the Extra Content Shop. After the story go to Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop > WCX. Buy the “WCX”Assault Rifle for 30,000 CP (Completion Points). You should have enough CP after the story automatically.

Step 2: Buy the WCX Assault Rifle from the Duke Merchant during the story. You can simply reload an old Manual Save. Once you unlocked it at the Extra Content Shop it becomes available retroactively on your old saves, too.Now also buy the “Rifle Ammo” Recipe from the Merchant for 10,000 Lei (the recipe is only available after buying the WCX Assault Rifle).

Step 3: The trick is to craft Rifle Ammo. You can sell your crafted Rifle ammo to the Merchant for 7 Lei a piece! You need EXACTLY 777 or 7,777 or 77,777 for this trophy. Having any other amount won’t work, it has to be one of these 3 values exactly. The easiest option is to buy a lot of stuff to get to 0 Lei exactly. You can also sell/buy stacks of Pistol Ammo and other low value items until everything evens out to 0 Lei. Then simply sell 111 Rifle Ammo to the Merchant. 111 x 7 Lei = 777 Lei.

You can reload your Manual Save afterward to get your Lei back.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (108)Mapmatician
Complete the village map.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (109)For this you must have unfogged the entire world map by having walked to every place possible. You will automatically get this when going for all Collectibles in one playthrough. See the Collectible Guide. The trophy will pop when you start playing as Chris and talk to the Sniper overlooking the village. After that cutscene, before encountering the first enemies as Chris, the trophy should pop (a short while after Heisenberg boss fight).

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Here’s a picture of the full map at the last manual save point before exiting Heisenberg’s Factory:

Here’s the point at which the trophy should unlock:

You go to most areas automatically as part of the story. The only optional ones are:

  • After Moreau boss where youcan use the crank to enter a side area with File #32 Collectible
  • Also after Moreau Boss when you can backtrack to the Drawbridge at the Lone Road and enter a boat to drive up and down the River (File #33 & Riverbank Treasure House where you do trophyMedium Rare)
  • Otto’s Mill to the left before entering the Stronghold area which is also where you find File #34.

The only area where you don’t necessarily have to go for Collectibles is the Riverbank Treasure House, but you must go there for trophy “Medium Rare” and it’s mentioned in the Collectible Guide.

If you missed an optional area you can reload a save before entering Heisenberg’s Factory and still roam around the village.After getting the missing areas just replay the factory (takes maybe 20 minutes) and the trophy should pop after Heisenberg boss. Or combine it with a future playthrough, the 3 optional areas are quick to revisit.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (112)Cynic
Destroy a Goat of Warding.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (113)»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations GuideResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (114)Heretic
Destroy all the Goats of Warding.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (115)There are 20 Goats of Warding. They look like small wooden Goats and you must shoot or melee them. See the Collectible Guide for their locations.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (116)Gunsmith
Equip a gun with a customizable part.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (117)See trophy Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (118)Veteran Gunsmith.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (119)Veteran Gunsmith
Equip every gun with their customizable parts in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (120)There are 22 Customizable Weapon Parts. They are Weapon Attachments.5 are found in the world, 17 are bought from the Duke merchant. You mustfirst find or buy the weapon and then combine it with the customizable parts via the inventory. See the Collectible Guide for their locations.

The total cost for all 17 purchasable attachments is 1,061,000 Lei + 600,200 Lei for purchasable Weapons that have Attachments. So the grand total is1,661,200 Lei. You should have enough money after your Village of Shadows playthrough if you followed the Trophy Roadmap.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (121)Tinkerer
Create every type of item available in the Crafting menu.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (122)See trophyArtisanResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (123).Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (124)Artisan
Collect every crafting recipe.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (125)There are 11 Crafting Recipes. They require you to unlock certain weapons and then you can buy their ammo recipes from the Duke merchant. A few crafting recipes become available automatically atDuke’s shop from story progression. See the Collectible Guide for their locations.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (126)Bookworm
Read every single file in the story.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (127)There are 47 Files. They are text document collectibles.See the Collectible Guide for their locations.

»Resident Evil 8 Village – All Collectible Locations Guide

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (128)Don’t Trust That Snake Oil
Finish the story only using four or less recovery items.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (129)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (130)

This is best combined with the 3 hour speedrun / knife only playthrough / spending less than 10,000 Lei. SeeKnives OutResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (131)for tips on how to combine all 4 trophies.

For this trophy you are limited to using a maximum of 4 healing items throughout the entire story. This sounds a bit daunting at first but on easy difficulty it’s not too bad. You actually recover some health over time on all difficulties, enough that you can take another hit. So if your screen is flashing red just run away from enemies until your health has automatically recovered, it does that without the use of any healing items. It’s best done in New Game+ because by then you will already have someCooking Recipesfrom the first playthrough which permanently increase your health. After the story the game asks you to create a completed story save. You must then load this save from the main menu to begin NG+. You keep all your upgrades and inventory in this mode.

It’s best to keep your 4 heals for the final 2 bosses. Anything before then doesn’t need health items.

You also get healed automatically at some points, so don’twaste healing items before these points.

  • When entering Castle Dimitrescu (after first cutscene)
  • During House Beneviento
  • Before Heisenberg boss fight
  • After Heisenberg boss fight
Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (132)Dashing Dad
Finish the story within 3 hours.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (133)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (134)

This is best combined with the knife only playthrough / less than 4 healing items / spending less than 10,000 Lei. SeeKnives OutResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (135)for tips on how to combine all 4 trophies.

3 Hours is a lot of time for the Speedrun. I did it in 2h 15min on my first attempt combining all these trophies including Knife Only. So there’s plenty of time. Pausing the game stops the timer and you can revert to a previous manual save if you think you took too long in a section.

Make sure you do this in New Game+. After the story it will ask you to create a completed story save. You can then load this save from the Main Menu to start NG+.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (136)Frugal Father
Finish the story without spending more than 10,000 Lei.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (137)This is best combined with the 3 hour speedrun / knife only playthrough / less than 4 healing items. SeeKnives OutResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (138)for tips on how to combine all 4 trophies.

For this you can’t spend more than 10,000 Lei (money) on a playthrough. It works in New Game+ even if you spent more than 10,000 already on your first playthrough.After the story it will ask you to create a completed story save. You can then load this save from the Main Menu to start NG+.

If you already bought Inventory Upgrades on the first playthrough there’s really not much need to buy anything else on your Knife Only Speedrun, so this can be combined perfectly.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (139)Knives Out
Not including some boss fights, finish the story using nothing but close combat weapons.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (140)Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (141)

For this you must beat the entire game using only a melee weapon (one of the knives). You should beat the story first. Then you can buy the “Karambit Knife” from the Extra Content Shop in the Main Menu. It deals much more damage than the default knife. After the story you also unlock the “Challenges” Menu in the Pause Menu, which lets you keep track of this trophy and you can see there if you messed up. Make sure you do it in New Game+ on Casual (Easy) difficulty.

The in-game Challenge description says “Knives Out – Finish the story using nothing but close combat weapons (Not including the self-propelled artillery against Heisenberg, or when prompted to shoot in the final battle against Miranda).”

So the ONLY two bosses where you may briefly use weapons are Heisenberg during his first phase(while driving the vehicle) and Miranda at the end of the fight when she throws you down and creates a big yellow orb over her head (must shoot the orb), but must switch back to the knife immediately after to finish her off. You must also use weapons on the environment at a few points to advance the story, we’ll go over these below in the Mini-Walkthrough but here’s a quick overview: The 5 Bells Puzzle in Castle Dimitrescu (must also shoot 1 window in the roof and shoot the chandelier to reach the bells), blow up the wall in the Armory during one of the Witch minibosses (Pipe Bomb or Grenade Launcher, if the Witch takes splash damage from it that shouldn’t matter), shoot a piece of yellow wood during Moreau Reservoir area, the Grinder (orange dots under big spinning blade fan) in the Factory, when you fly towards a Ventilator Fan in the factory (shoot orange dot on fan), use the Laser Pointer 3 times on the House in Chris’s section (it will automatically kill nearby Lycans which is allowed, but DON’T use laser pointer against the Mace-wielding boss).

To be safe check your in-game Challenge tracker after each of these to make sure it still says 0. Shooting the environment seems to be generally okay, you just can’t shoot enemies with firearms outside of the two specific boss exceptions.

Tips & Tricks / Mini-Walkthrough:

  • Unlockthe “Karambit Knife” from the Extra Content Shop (available after beating the story once). It is far stronger than the default knife. Then reload your last manual save before the final boss, buy Karambit Knife from Duke (200 Lei), beat final boss again, create finished story save, load finished story save from Main Menu to start New Game+ (Casual), now you will have the Karambit Knife in your inventory from the start. Alternatively, you can buy it at the first Duke merchant before Castle.
  • Play on Casual (Easy) difficulty. Enemies die much quicker on that difficulty.
  • You can keep track if you made a mistake via the Challenge Menu. From the Pause Menu click Challenge > scroll to Knives Out (faster to scroll up). It must show 0 on the counter. If it shows a number other than 0 in red, you made a mistake and won’t get the trophy. Make regular manual saves, and save into a different slot at each save point. Check the Challenges Menu from time to time to confirm the counter is still at 0. If it’s not, reload the manual saves until you find the point before you made a mistake.
  • Exception #1: Castle Dimitrescu, Atelier Room with 5 Bells – here you must shoot the bells with a weapon. You must also shoot the roof window once to break it so you can hit the bell outside. You are also allowed to hit the chandelier to make it swing so you can shoot the bell on it.
  • Lady Dimitrescu Boss: Just melee her in the face. When she’s flying in the air hide from her insect swarm. She will land after a short while and you can attack her again. At the end of the fight when she breaks the top of the tower you must melee her quickly.
  • Exception #2: Castle Dimitrescu, Armory – during one of the witch boss fights you must push a shelf out of the way and then blow up a wall to make cold air come in. Here you must break the wall with an explosive, no way around it. I used a Pipe Bomb here. It shouldn’t matter if the witch is in the blast radius, because she’s invulnerable to damage until the cold air comes in anyway. To be safe check in Pause Menu > Challenges > Knives Out afterward that your counter is still at 0.
  • Exception #3: Moreau Reservoir Area – after Moreau transforms into a fish (after you go down a windmill) you will be in a flooded reservoir area. There’s one piece of yellow wood that you must shoot to make a bridge. Because it’s too far away you can’t melee it.
  • Moreau Boss: Melee him in the face over and over again. When he jumps on the roofs and sprays his acid rain you should stand under a roof to not get hit. At that point he is near death and will go down in a few more hits to the head.
  • Urias Boss (Stronghold): Melee the mace-wielding boss at the end of the stronghold.Can walk around him in circles. Quickly run sidewayswhen he tries to jump, gives you a good chance that he’ll miss you.
  • Exception #4: Heisenberg’s Factory, Grinder Area: In room with the spinning Grinder Blade (looks like a big fan) you must shoot the orange glowing dots under the grinder to stop it. But you are not allowed to shoot the 2 armored enemies that stalk you here. You have to run/crouch past them when they try to block your way.
  • Exception #5: Heisenberg’s Factory, Ventilation Shaft: When a Ventilator tries to suck you in and makes you fly in the air, you will have to shoot the ventilator fan in midair to stop it (hit the orange dot on it).
  • Sturm Boss (Propeller Boss): Let him run into a wall, this will stun him for a few seconds. Then crouch behind him and attack the orange glowing dot on his back. Repeat until he’s dead.
  • Exception #6 / Heisenberg Boss: After the Chris cutscene you get into a vehicle and go up an elevator. At the top of the elevator you must use the vehicle’s rocket launcher to shoot open a gate. You must also use the vehicle’s machine gun / rocket launcher in the first phase of the Heisenberg boss fight. Up until you go on foot. Once he throws you out of the vehicle and you are running around again, you must use your knife only! Try to hit his head with the knife and just keep meleeing all the time. After this he will throw you up in the air again and you will automatically use the vehicle’s rocket launcher as part of a cutscene to finish him off (this is normal, no way around it).
  • Exception #7: In the Chris section first try to run past all enemies, they will disappear automatically when you reach the Laser Pointer section. You must use the Laser Pointer 3 times in a row on the house to destroy it. This is fine. You can ignore all enemies here, just run away from them until the Laser (Airstrike) has recharged. The Airstrikes will kill the enemies but this is fine, it shouldn’t count as a kill. To be safe checkPause Menu > Challenges > Knives Out afterward that your counter is still at 0.
  • Mace-Wielding Boss Fight in Chris Section: You are NOT allowed to use the laser pointer during this fight. Melee his left leg (to your right) and his left arm (to your right). It will take about 10-15 minutes on Casual difficulty. A very long fight, but this is normal. You can tell you’re damaging him when there’s a spill of blood on each hit.
  • Exception #8 / Miranda Boss Fight: Melee her. When she uses her normal form just circle around her and hit her. When she uses her spider form hit her lower body (the black stuff), and if she attacks do an Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (142) block, when she uses her flying form always melee up and try to hit her bottom part (black stuff), when the screen goes gray run up to her and melee her when she appears, when she summons a big energy ball in the center hide behind the black vines, when she is flying and summons energy balls block them with Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (143) . At the end of the fight she will throw you down and you will pull out your Knife in a short animated sequence. Then you are lying on the ground and she will create a big yellow energy ball over her head. You HAVE TO shoot this energy ball to make it explode. Switch back to your knife immediately after. She will come at you but just keep swinging the knife and she will go down quickly.

It’s recommended to combine this with trophyResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (144)Don’t Trust That Snake Oilwhich requires you to use four or less health items (I combine both and used 0, it’s quite easy). There are some points where you get healed automatically, so don’t waste health items before those points and keep your 4 uses for the Heisenberg / Chris / Miranda bosses.

Automatic Heals during story:

  • When entering Castle Dimitrescu (after first cutscene)
  • During House Beneviento
  • Before Heisenberg boss fight
  • After Heisenberg boss fight (when switching to Chris)
Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (145)Combo King
Get a combo of at least 30 during The Mercenaries.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (146)You will automatically get a 30-combo while going for the S-Ranks, no way around it. SeeResident Evil 8 Village – Mercenaries Guide.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (147)Legendary Cowboy
Achieve at least an S Rank on all stages in The Mercenaries.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (148)»Resident Evil 8 Village – Mercenaries GuideResident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (149)Doll Collector
View all character and weapon models.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (150)After beating the story for the first time on any difficulty (e.g. on Casual) you unlock the Extra Content Shop. It can then be found under Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop. This shop uses a currency called CP (Completion Points) which you get from doing trophies and other in-game Challenges.

Buy all76 figures costing 8,900 CP in total.Scroll over all of them afterward in “Figures” menu so the red flashing sign on them goes away. No need to enlarge all of them (you don’t need to press Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (151) on any of them, just scroll over them).

After 1 story playthrough you’ll have more than enough points for this (I had 108,000 after 1 playthrough). Can back up your save game beforehand (USB / PS+ Cloud), unlock the trophy, then copy back the save to get your CP back. Better to not waste any CP and spend them on Weapons (needed for someRecipe Collectibles) &Infinite Ammoinstead.

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (152)Art Collector
View all concept art.Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (153)After beating the story for the first time on any difficulty (e.g. on Casual) you unlock the Extra Content Shop. It can then be found under Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop. This shop uses a currency called CP (CompletionPoints) which you get from doingtrophies and other in-game Challenges.

Buy all 120 concept artcosting 12,000 CP in total (100 per piece).Scroll over all of them afterward in “Concept Art” menu so the red flashing sign on them goes away. No need to enlarge all of them (you don’t need to press Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (154) on any of them, just scroll over them).

After 1 story playthrough you’ll have more than enough points for this (I had 108,000 after 1 playthrough). Can back up your save game beforehand (USB / PS+ Cloud), unlock the trophy, then copy back the save to get your CP back. Better to not waste any CP and spend them onWeapons (needed for someRecipe Collectibles) &Infinite Ammoinstead.

Massive thanks to the following people for helping with the creation of this guide:

Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)


Is Re Village easy to platinum? ›

In terms of trophies, you're looking at a relatively simple Platinum with a few tricky trophies here and there. However, with enough practice and persistance, the list is easily doable.

How long does it take to 100% Resident Evil Village? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Resident Evil Village is about 10 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 37 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the hardest Resident Evil Village? ›

RE Village's Difficulty Settings, From Easiest To Hardest

There are three main difficulties to choose from in the base game: Casual, Standard, and Hardcore. Village of Shadows is the final difficulty in the RE Village, but there are unique caveats that prevent players from accessing this difficulty until much later.

Is there infinite ammo in re8? ›

Please Note - in order to unlock infinite ammo for a chosen weapon, you must first purchase all weapon modifications and upgrade its components to the maximum at The Duke's Emporium, and only then can you purchase the infinite ammo cheat in the Extra Content Shop.

What is the birthday code in re8? ›

270917, You'll see the date/code on a little kid's drawing on your left as you enter the house. Go to the entrance of the house and turn left - you'll see some colourful scribbles on the wall - that's the code!

How do I get Heisenberg re8? ›

How to Unlock Karl Heisenberg. Of the two characters, Heisenberg is the easiest of the two to unlock. All Resident Evil Village players need to do is get an A Rank on all six stages. With Chris as a playable character, it is significantly easier to get A Rank than with Ethan.

How many endings are there in Resident Evil Village? ›

A lot happens in Resident Evil Village's two endings. The game's first ending, which happens prior to the credits rolling, shows hero Ethan Winters defeating Mother Miranda and saving his daughter Rose.

What is the scariest level in re8? ›

House Beneviento is the creepiest location in the entirety of Resident Evil Village, and here's where most of the spooky encounters happen. The first of them takes place as soon Ethan Winters picks up the flask in the doll workshop.

What is the strongest weapon in Resident Evil Village? ›

In Resident Evil Village, the SYG-12 is undoubtedly the best shotgun and one of the best weapons in the game outright. Although the F2 Rifle is technically more powerful by statistics, the SYG-12 is more versatile and deadlier at close to medium distances.

Which Resident Evil is easiest? ›

Many longtime Resident Evil fans regard Resident Evil 2 as the easiest out of the classic PS1 trilogy since it doesn't have the brutal puzzles of the first game or the Nemesis who stalks the player endlessly throughout Resident Evil 3.

Is Resident Evil village hard or easy? ›

You can reduce the difficulty if you die many times during the game. Even if you're a beginner, if you want to enjoy the game more, we recommend Hardcore. PS After all, hardcore is tough for beginners, so Standard is the way to go. I started on Casual and it was too easy.

Is p5r hard to platinum? ›

Persona 5 Royal will take up a good portion of time in comparison to the rhythm games — around 80 to 100 hours — but is still an easy platinum to earn in comparison to everything else on this list going forward.

Is RE4 Platinum hard? ›

Pretty easy. RE4 is a very easy game, and the remake is even easier. Besides, Platinum Trophies should prize skill, not a free-for-all beat the game and you're done. If you're not willing to go the extra mile, you don't deserve it.

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